Communing with Devas in Daily Life

by Nathaniel Altman

When we experience the beauty of a waterfall, the majesty of a tree or the colors of a field of flowers, most of us have perceived "something else" that goes beyond the five senses: feelings of peace, comfort, healing, and protection. Many of us have come back from a walk in the woods with new inspiration, unexpected solutions to difficult problems, and fresh insights into our life and relationships.

In addition to responding to the beauty of the tree, waterfall or cliff itself, we can often perceive the subtle realms of existence that are connected to these forms. These subtle energies are connected to nature spirits, orishas or devas and they reveal the hidden, formative life working within (and through) all things in nature.

The devas' work includes two unique and important tasks: they stand behind the evolution of all physical forms on Earth and they aid in the upliftment of humanity. They share- on subtle levels- the wisdom, love and healing that continues to be essential to human development and growth.     

As a consequence of modern civilization, with its emphasis on technology and human-made forms, we have almost lost contact with both Nature and Her subtle forces. By doing this, we have cut ourselves off from an important source of guidance, wisdom and healing that can teach us how to live in harmony with the Earth, with ourselves, and with other living beings. Yet these beings are still accessible to us (and even yearn to commune with us), even if we live in a large city. By taking a journey to nature, we can enter the realm of the nature spirits through awareness, inspiration and healing. On the following pages, let's explore how we can best undertake this important personal journey.

Where to Go?

Different individuals resonate best with specific places in nature. One person may be drawn primarily to a beach setting, while another will be attracted to the mountains or the forest. In fact, according to the Candomblé tradition of Africa and Brazil, each person has two primary areas of attraction which are the most appropriate for contacting the nature spirits most compatible with their soul essence.

As a rule, the largest and most magnificent nature forms contain the most powerful devic energy: a place like Niagara Falls would have far more devic energy than that of a three-foot high waterfall on a quiet stream. It is always worthwhile to visit "planetary power spots" like the Grand Canyon, Crater Lake or Mount Shasta at some point in our life, but most of us can do important work in the myriad of smaller, less well-known places that are easily within our reach. Some of these places can be found in any natural area, including the local park, or even in our own back yard.

While it may be true that we can visit any beach, any mountain or any river for devic communication and communion, many of us feel attracted to a specific place in nature, that may be completely overlooked by others. It may be a particular tree that we have long been attracted to, or a place along a stream that has always brought us a feeling of peace and integration. If such is the case, then go to this spot. In addition to being a place you enjoy being in, you have probably established a subconscious relationship with the angelic being or beings who make their home at or near that special place.
Before you decide to go to a particular spot, think about what you need on a deep level. Why do you wish to commune with a nature being today? What do you hope to accomplish by doing so? Do you feel like travelling a long distance, or do you want to be close to home? What type of energy do you yearn to connect with? What kind of place (or places) are you especially attracted to? By asking such questions before you undertake your journey, you become more aware of your deeper needs, and will be more sensitized to a particular energy in nature that will help you the most.

Nature spirits exist throughout the natural world. However, they are most often found at obvious physical forms, such as waterfalls, cliffs, mountaintops, volcanoes, forests, and lakes. A large natural form, like a lake or a mountain, will probably be the home of a vast multitude of nature spirits. They will likely be of different sizes, generate different energies, and perform many different tasks. If you visit a mountaintop, for example, you will not only find mountain devas, but may also perceive the presence of wind devas, tree devas, flower devas and devas connected to outcroppings of rock.

Some devas tend to shy away from humans, but others are definitely more friendly, especially when approached with a sense of appreciation and respect. By being both sensitive to our surroundings and clear in our intent, we will more easily attract the type of devic energy we need.

Power Spots

There are places in nature that contain higher concentrations of devic energy due to size, location and combinations of different natural elements. By becoming more aware to these power spots (and perceptive of the energy they generate) as part of a stream, mountain or river, you are able to access a more powerful devic presence.  

Rivers and Streams: Flowing water is often a powerful place for healing, cleansing and for resolving inner conflicts. This is one reason why white water rafters or inner-tube enthusiasts feel so invigorated and refreshed after a journey down a river or stream.

Special power spots along a river or stream include places where rapids or waterfalls exist. Electric companies have often built generators in these spots of high water flow, because more electric energy can be produced there. By the same token, the amount of "psychic" energy generated is greater in these places as well. Another power spot may be found where a tributary connects to or joins with the primary stream, or a place where there is a major change of depth of water that changes the rate of water flow. Other places of more intense energy are found where there is a strong change of direction of the water flow, or any spot along a river or stream that is near an important nature form such as a large tree, boulder or cliff. Islands located in the middle of a river are often places of more intense energy, and are for that reason excellent locations for healing and other creative work.

lakes: A lake is a very special destination for those seeking quiet meditation or contemplation. It is also a place for centering our energies and focusing on the depths of our inner being. In world mythology lakes were believed to be sources of both natural forms and creative energy, and were often the homes of powerful gods and goddesses like Nanan of the Yoruba and Tonanhueyatl of the Aztecs.

There are many individual power spots in and around lakes. As with a stream or river, any place where there is an exceptional change of depth (such as a shelf), or the deepest part of the lake itself can be a place of enhanced energy. In addition, a location on the lake above an underground spring which feeds the lake is always an important power spot, which can often be accessed for healing and revitalization. Almost any point along the lake (i.e. where the land meets the water) is a good location for stronger energy. This is particularly true for important "promontory points" where the land juts out into the lake. Another major place are islands: many islands have long been considered sacred by native cultures, in part because they were considered the homes of angelic beings. The Inca and Aymara's worship of the islands of the Sun (the abode of Inti, the Sun Father) and The Moon (the home of Mama Ouilla, the Moon Mother) in Lake Titicaca are a good example of this ancient belief.

Mountains and Valleys: Mountains are among the most sacred places on Earth, and many native traditions speak of powerful gods inhabiting their peaks. In Tibet, the female mountain deity is known as the Great Goddess of Buddhism, Dolma Tara. Mount Kailas (also known as Kang Rinpoche, The Precious Snow Jewel) is so spiritually powerful that is it considered by the Tibetans to be the center of the universe. In the Candomblé tradition of Brazil, mountains are said to be ruled by Oshala, the father of the devas and the grandfather of all mortals. Mountain devas are considered among the most powerful members of the angelic hierarchy.

Oshala and his assisting devas can be found throughout mountains and valleys, the highest concentrations residing at both the depths and the heights. For example, the lowest floor of Death Valley in California would be the home of powerful devic beings, as would be the summit of Mount Denali in Alaska or Whiteface Mountain in New York. Mountains of volcanic origin are especially potent locations of devic power, especially at the base of the crater within the volcano itself. Active volcanoes are homes of extremely powerful devic beings, although contact with them is best experienced from a distance!

Within the context of a mountain or valley setting, devas are most likely to be found at any unusual crevice, rock formation, large outcropping of rocks, ravine, depression, or elevation that tends to differ from the surrounding terrain. This is especially true when you find a very dramatic change of topography, such as a cliff or a ravine. Two outstanding examples of such places are the White Cliffs of Dover and the Copper Canyon in Mexico.

Forests and Trees: In Brazil, forests and jungles are the domain of Oshossi, a restless devic being who is connected with forest animals and the healing powers of medicinal plants. The forests are special places for communicating with nature spirits, especially those involved with the evolution of trees. When you visit a forest or park, be especially aware of any tree that appears "different": one of an unusual shape for its species, an advanced age, or a tree of very large size. Trees found at the summit of a mountain or on a promontory point, such as a spit of land overlooking an ocean or lake can also be a place of strong devic energy. The tree will tend to visibly or energetically stand out from others in the immediate area. An unusually dense community of older trees, or a grove of three or more trees planted in a circle, triangle, or square are also special places of heightened devic energy.
Finally, any tree that is planted near a house of worship, a shrine, or a monument can be a special source of devic power. Look also for any tree that has already been recognized as a sacred tree, a historical tree, a wish tree, a medicine tree or a tree shrine by the local or indigenous community. The famous Angel Oak near Charleston, South Carolina, the Colonel Armstrong Redwood near Guerneville, California or the enormous Tule tree (Mexican cypress) near Oaxaca, Mexico, are but three outstanding examples of such special trees.

The Ocean:: The ocean is a very powerful source of both healing power, inspiration, and devic consciousness. As the human race is said to have evolved from the ocean, it is in essence, our original home. Many of us are familiar with Poseidon, the ocean god of the Greeks, and Neptune, the ocean god of the Romans. The Inuit know the sea-goddess as Sedna, whom they both revere and fear; only a shaman is believed to have the power to withstand the sight of her.

Most people who commune with ocean devas do so either from on or near the shore, which affords the greatest degree of safety. Others may work with the ocean devas from boats of different sizes or through snorkeling or scuba diving.

Since the energy of the ocean is extremely powerful, nearly all locations along the coastline are good places to visit. However, the forces tend to be greater where a cliff, ravine or escarpment meets the ocean itself, or where a river or stream flows into the ocean. Although more difficult to contact, greater energy can be found at places under the ocean involving a dramatic change of depth, such as a continental shelf, trench or mountain range. This may be due in part to the presence of mountain devas who are connected with these geological forms. The devic presences that are associated with these places can affect those sensitive travelers who are traveling by boat or plane above.

Winds. Windy places are among the most exciting to experience, and are often best visited when we need new ideas or resolve problems that have not been easy to work through. Wind devas are especially present in any location where the winds are especially or unusually active on a permanent, ongoing basis, like a canyon, waterfall, mountaintop or shoreline. They are also associated with high places in general, as mountain climbers and parachutists would attest. If you live in a large city, you can contact wind devas by standing on the observation deck of a tall building. In addition, winds associated with dramatic changes in weather patterns (such as a storm or hurricane) indicate that devic activity ordinarily associated with winds is enhanced. If you can find a sheltered spot during a storm, for example (yet permitting yourself to be close to the elements like wind and rain) you can avail yourself of enhanced access to the devic presences who involve themselves with powerful meteorological activity.

Fire: Like powerful winds, a volcanic eruption or forest fire could provide unique (not to mention memorable) opportunities for communion with powerful devas. However, special care must be taken so that the welfare of your physical well-being is not compromised! Safer places for communion with salamanders (devas related to the element of fire) are volcanoes (preferably semi-active ones that can be approached safely), as well as thermal-related phenomena like geysers, fumaroles, and hot mineral springs. Our planet is generously blessed with these special places, especially in areas of seismic activity. Because they often involve alchemical processes, such places are often connected with favoring transformational events in the human psyche, such as relinquishing old patterns, formulating new ideas, gaining new perspectives, undergoing initiation and activating the process of healing.

What to Wear?

When I first became interested in nature spirits, I believed that wearing certain colors were necessary in order to do spiritual or healing work with them. One day I asked a tree deva which colors would be the most appropriate to wear in its presence.  The answer that came back surprised me: "The clothing you should wear are humility and respect." It indicated that we humans place too much emphasis on outer appearances, while the state of our underlying consciousness is often ignored. Devas tend to respond best to sincere, heartfelt feelings, and work with us from that inner place of resonance. They are not particularly interested in what we look like, how we are dressed, or how much money we have.

However, an awareness of the colors we wear is an added means of self-expression and communication with devas and the universal energies of which we are a part. For this reason, the colors we wear should always be chosen carefully, especially when we wish to work with the subtle aspects of nature.
Some of us are very aware of "our" personal colors.  Yet whatever your colors may be, white (as opposed to black) is always a good color to wear as part of our overall outfit when we wish to work with devic beings.

What to Bring?

Some people feel comfortable wearing jewelry or carrying crystals when they visit with nature spirits. There are many kinds of crystals available, which can either be carried by hand or worn as rings, pendants or earrings. When used as part of any sacred ritual, cleanse your crystal of energies that were involved in its mining, preparation, transportation and sale. The easiest way to do this is to soak the crystal in salt water and leave it in the sunlight for a period of seven days. After washing the rock off with water, you may wish to say a prayer over it or make an affirmation on how you would like it to be used: "I pray that this crystal will help keep me grounded and of pure intent." This act of "programming" the crystal is believed to help make it more powerful.

If you wish to bring religious items- such as crosses, religious images and other sacred possessions- do so. They are designed to help elevate consciousness and enable us to refine our energies, and may offer a sense of protection and groundedness.


Before entering the realm of the nature spirits, a period of alignment is necessary. This is best done before you leave home, yet can be done again after you enter the devas' sacred space. This can often take the form of meditation or prayer in which we strive to align our thoughts and emotions with our deepest essence or "core".

You are now near the place in nature you have wanted to visit. Take a few moments to "ground" yourself, being aware of any personal needs that you have in your life at this time. State these needs mentally or express them in words. This will immediately create a resonance that one or more devas can respond to, and lead you towards the nature being who will be the most appropriate for you at this time.

With this in mind, approach the devas' realm with a sense of respect. It should feel as though you are entering someone's home for the first time, because in truth, you are entering someone's home. Most people will come to the deva's realm in respectful silence, while others may like to hum, sing or whistle softly while they walk. Maintaining respectful silence is usually best, especially on your first visit.

As you approach the realm of a nature spirit, you may feel its presence from several or more yards away. This is what is known as its energy field. Ask permission before entering the deva's energy field. If you do not feel welcome there, it is better to go somewhere else. (This should not be taken personally. The deva probably has other work to do and may not be interested in meeting with a human at this time). However, when you perceive that you are welcome be grateful for being where you are at that moment.

As you move into the deva's realm, open yourself to whatever possibility that may occur. Some of us may have preconceived mental images of what we would like to happen, or what we think will happen, or what we have time for when we are about to work with nature beings; in other words, we want to have mental control over our experience. If you are aware that this current exists in you, work to align and ground yourself once again, and declare something like, "I pray to receive what I need at this time" or (addressing the devas) "I pray to give you my best."


Offerings are not required for working with nature beings, because the energy we bring is what they best respond to. However any physical offering, when given from the heart, is always appreciated. Many native peoples have long used tobacco as an offering in religious ceremonies (and as gifts in general), which is considered both a physical and spiritual expression of honor, respect and gratitude. The best tobacco to use would contain a minimum of chemical additives. A number of additive-free tobaccos can be found in Native American supply houses and some metaphysical bookshops. You may wish to respectfully scatter the tobacco throughout the area, or carefully sprinkle it into a stream or around a tree. If you are in a windy place, simply open your hand and let the winds carry it off!

In addition, cut flowers or small items that you have used- such as coins, jewelry, metal objects, crystals, food, or pieces of colored cloth- are always appreciated by nature spirits when offered with sincerity.

Some places- especially those which have been frequently visited by other human beings- may be littered with cans, papers, food and other items. Though not on our schedule, taking a few minutes to clean up the area just after we enter the deva's domain is a vital expression of our caring and respect. Not only is it much appreciated by the nature spirits, but it helps establish a bond of caring friendship. At the same time, when we mobilize an expression of caring and concern, we elevate our level of consciousness. As a result, contact with the devas is facilitated.


There are many ways to invoke a nature spirit. However, once you are in the deva's realm, the first thing is to ground yourself. You can either stand up or sit down, getting in touch with the earth. By doing so, we become aligned, aware and inwardly calm. Some people may close their eyes, do deep breathing and sit quietly in a meditative posture, open to any communication that may take place. Others may pray, chant or actively ask for help.
One simple invocation was offered by the famous clairvoyant Geoffrey Hodson, who wrote several books on devas, including The Kingdom of the Gods. He suggested that to facilitate communication with a tree deva, we state (with a full realization of its meaning) "Greetings beautiful tree. Our [My] life is one with yours."

This type of invocation would presumably be used to invoke any devic contact, as it produces a deeper realization of unity both within ourselves and with the devic consciousness we wish to commune with. Other suitable prayers and greetings can be "I come to you in the spirit of oneness" or "My core of love resonates with your core of love" or "We are both one with the Great Spirit." You can also pray that what you are about to receive will assist you in the healing process, whether it be your own healing, or healing between you and nature. You can also recite prayers you are familiar with, such as The Lord's Prayer, the Hail Mary, the Gayatri, or another religious prayer of your choice. Prayers of praise to the Great Spirit or Universal Presence are especially useful in invoking devic energy safely and effectively.

The experience of communing with members of the angelic kingdom is both an adventure and a privilege. For many people, it can be among the most intimate and rewarding experiences we will ever know. Whenever you make the journey into the realm of the devas, bring with you a sense of openness and wonder and strive to be open to the groundedness, inspiration, understanding and healing that is available to you as a cherished son or daughter of the Earth Mother. 


Nathaniel Altman is the author of The Deva Handbook: How to Work with Nature's Subtle Energies, published by Destiny Books. For more information about The Deva Handbook, click the book cover.

Copyright © 2019 by Nathaniel Altman. All rights reserved.